Stapelia gigantea Buds Getting Bigger!

Stapelia gigantea buds on 10-4-21, #840-6.

Hello everyone! I hope you are all well. It is getting exciting on the back porch as the Stapelia gigantea buds are getting bigger.

Stapelia gigantea bud at 1 3/4″ long on 10-4-21, #840-7.

The biggest bud is now 1 3/4″ long. There are several buds but some are quite small… Keep your fingers crossed (and maybe your toes). 🙂

There is no “F” in the forecast, so maybe they will continue to grow at least the bigger one open before I have to move the plants inside for the winter. Even so, when we do get an “F” it warms back up again. You just never know…

Until next time, stay well, be safe, and always be thankful!

10 comments on “Stapelia gigantea Buds Getting Bigger!

  1. shoreacres says:

    Isn’t it exciting to wait for something like this to open? I remember waiting for what seemed forever for three buds on my Cereus peruvianus to finally open. That thing only bloomed two of the twenty or some years I had it, but it was worth waiting for!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Linda! OH, MAN! Your Cereus peruvianus bloomed?!?! That was a treat for sure! I have a few that will flower after they are 10 years old. The deal is, I have no idea how old they were when I brought them home. I have several cactus and succulents that have never had flowers but I mainly enjoy them for their foliage or weirdness. Take care and thanks for the comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. darmoo7 says:

    I have been growing those for years. The bloom is beautiful, but it stinks to high heaven! Enjoy.

    On Mon, Oct 4, 2021, 10:54 PM The Belmont Rooster wrote:

    > The Belmont Rooster posted: ” Hello everyone! I hope you are all well. It > is getting exciting on the back porch as the Stapelia gigantea buds are > getting bigger. The biggest bud is now 1 3/4″ long. There are several buds > but some are quite small… Keep your fingers crossed” >

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dayphoto says:

    They say we will have an F come next week. I think I’m ready.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Tammie says:

    promises of flowers, so exciting.


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