Rubiaceae Family:

Houstonia pusilla (Tiny Bluet) on 4-3-22, #864-9.

Rubiaceae Juss.

ROO-bee-AY-see-eye (ee)

Rubiaceae Juss. is the accepted scientific name for this family of flowering plants. It was named and described as such by Antoine Laurent de Jussieu in Genera Plantarum in 1789.

As of 12-24-23 when I last updated this page, Plants of the World Online lists 611 genera in this family. So far, I have located 3 species here on the farm, and one along the trail next to the farm and on a friend’s farm. You can click on the plant’s names under their photo to go to their own pages. 


Cruciata pedemontana (Piedmont Bedstraw) on 5-22-21, #882-4.

There are a few hit-and-miss colonies of Cruciata pedemontana (Piedmont Bedstraw) on the farm. I thought I had identified this species before, but apparently not until 2022… Other common names include Foothill Bedstraw, Bedstraw, and possibly others.


Galium aparine (Cleavers) on 3-20-20, #677-1.

I think that everyone around here knows what Galium aparine are. You know, that pain in the neck “sticky feeling” plant? Ever heard of Cleavers, Clivers, Bedstraw, Goosegrass, Catchweed, Stickyweed, Sticky Bob, Stickybud, Stickyback, Robin-Run-the-Hedge, Sticky Willy, Sticky Willow, Stickyjack, Stickeljack, Grip Grass, Sticky Grass, Bobby Buttons, and Velcro Plant? Yeah, that one! Coffee, Gardenias, and Pentas are also in the family. I used to play with these plants when I was a kid and stick them on my clothes.


Galium circaezans (Forest or Licorice Bedstraw) on 6-16-22, #892-6

I first spotted a few Galium circaezans (Forest or Licorice Bedstraw) in the woods along the Rock Island Spur of the Katy Trail that runs along the farm On July 12, 2022. I found it again a few days later while working on a friend’s landscaping. It is a neat wildflower. Common names include Forest Bedstraw, Licorice Bedstraw, Forest Licorice Bedstraw, Wild Licorice, Wild White Licorice, and possibly others.


Houstonia pusilla (Tiny Bluet) on 4-3-22, #864-2.

I ran across two nice-sized colonies of Houstonia pusilla (Tiny Bluet) close to the pond in the back of the farm on April 4 (2022). It had been a long time since stumbled on these tiny flowers, so long I can’t remember when. It was kind of like they jogged my memory. Common names include Tiny Bluet, Small Bluet, Least Bluet, and possibly others. The leaves remind me of the Sticky Mouse- Ear Chickweed (Cerastium glomeratum) from the family Caryophyllaceae.

That’s all I have for now in this plant family. I never know what I will run across.



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