x Gasteraloe ‘White Wings’

x Gasteraloe ‘White Wings’ on 7-19-16, #274-12.

x Gasteraloe ‘White Wings’

Gasteria x Aloe


x Gasteraloe Guillaumin is the accepted name for this intergeneric hybrid. It was named and described by André Louis Joseph Edmond Armand Guillaumin in Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris) in 1931.

I bought my x Gasteraloe ‘White Wings’ in 2016 at the same time I bought ‘Flow’. Neither plant had tags and I don’t even remember where I bought them. I sent photos to a Facebook group and they were promptly identified. I rarely have issues with any of the Aloe, their hybrids, or cousins but this one didn’t work out for some reason.

The x Gasteraloe ‘White Wings’ looked a little strange to me. The way the leaves were curled inward made it look as if something was wrong with it, but that is just a characteristic of this variety.

Origin: Hybrid between Gasteria and Aloe
Zones: USDA Zones 9a-12
Height: 6-12”
Light: Light to part shade. I grow my Aloe in light to part shade because I don’t like them burning in too much sun.
Soil: Very well-draining soil. Good quality potting soil amended with pumice (50/50) or additional perlite and chicken grit (2-1-1).
Water: Average water during the warmer months and not much in the winter.

Aloe and their cousins are some of my favorite plants. They are very easy to keep as companions as long as you follow a few basic rules. Even so, there have been a few I have had ups and downs with but eventually, we get it figured out, or at least we agree to disagree. Normally, it has something to do with water. You can’t lump all succulents in the same category when it comes to care because many are very unique in their preferences…

Aloe and their cousins are considered a summer dormant/winter growing species but for me, they seem to grow pretty much year-round. I read where Aloe hybrids don’t go dormant and whether they are summer or winter dormant depends on where the species are native. Personally, I think most Aloe will grow year-round if given the opportunity but I am no expert. For me, I think they do most of their growing while outside from May through mid-October, but most show no sign of being dormant while inside for the winter. Their growth does slow down while inside over the winter and I pretty much withhold their watering to a little once a month if necessary. 

You can read my Cactus Talk & Update and Cactus & Succulent Tips to get my opinion about growing cactus and succulents.

Unfortunately, I have only one photo since this plant didn’t make it through the 2016-2017 winter. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, I would like to hear from you. There isn’t much online about this plant but maybe the links below will help a little.


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