Tetrapanax papyrifer (Rice Paper Plant)

Tetrapanax papyrifer (Rice paper Plant) in the backyard at the mansion in Mississippi on 5-1-09, #9-52.

Rice Paper Plant

Tetrapanax papyrifer

tet-ruh-PAN-aks   pap-IH-fiff-er

Synonyms of Tetrapanax papyrifer (6) (Updated on 11-25-23 from Plants of the World Online): Aralia mairei H.Lév., Aralia papyrifera Hook., Didymopanax papyrifer (Hook.) K.Koch, Echinopanax papyrifer (Hook.) Kuntze, Fatsia papyrifera (Hook.) Miq. ex Witte, Panax papyrifer (Hook.) F.Muell.

Tetrapanax papyrifer (Hook.) K.Koch is the accepted scientific name for the Rice Paper Plant. Both the genus and species were named and described as such by Karl Heinrich Emil Koch in Wochenschrift für Gärtnerei und Pflanzenkunde in 1859. It was first named Aralia papyrifera by William Jackson Hooker in Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany in 1852.

As of 11-25-23 when this page was last updated, Plants of the World Online by Kew lists only 1 species in the Tetrapanax genus. It is a member of the plant family Araliaceae with 46 genera. Those numbers could change as updates are made on POWO.

The peeled and dried pith from this plant is used to make pith paper, which some call rice paper. Rice paper is also made from other sources. The Rice Paper Plant is used in traditional Chinese medicine and as an ornamental.


Tetrapanax papyrifer (Rice paper Plant) in front of the old covered patio on 2-1-09, #3-20. I had no idea what it was at the time.

When I moved to the mansion with Dr. Suzanne Skinner in December 2008 the backyard was a disaster. No one had lived in the mansion for several years and it had been even longer since the backyard was maintained. I had no idea what these plants were along the old covered patio at the time. Later, a grandson of the former owner told me they were Rice Paper Plants. He told me they would come up everywhere.

Tetrapanax papyrifer (Rice paper Plant) on 6-3-09, #18-7.

Family: Araliaceae.
Origin: South-central and southeast China, and Taiwan.
Zones: USDA Zones 6a-10b (-10 to 35° F).
Size: 10-12’ tall and pretty wide.
Light: Sun to part shade.
Soil: Average, well-drained, but prefers moist soil.
Water: Average, drought tolerant.

Tetrapanax papyrifer (Rice paper Plant) leaf on 6-14-09, #19-17.

When the temperatures started warming up, the Rice Paper Plants started coming up and we got acquainted. At first I thought, “WOW, these plants are AWESOME”. I always loved big, unusual plants and these certainly were that. And, yes, they were popping up out in the yard.

Tetrapanax papyrifer (Rice paper Plant) on 6-14-09, #19-18.

The undersides of the leaves are covered with fine white hair that can irritate the eyes and skin. The stems of the plant and flower clusters are covered with this stuff that resembles thick powder or mold. I read where it can be a lung irritant and if you work around this plant, this coating easily comes off.

Tetrapanax papyrifer (Rice paper Plant) with a quarter on the leaf on 6-14-09, #19-19.

Just to show how large the leaves were, I placed a quarter on one and took this photo.

Tetrapanax papyrifer (Rice paper Plant) on 6-28-09, #21-9.

It is a very hardy plant and will spread ridiculously by seed and rhizomes. Once you have it, it can be hard to get rid of. I tried. It was not uncommon for plants to pop up 20 feet or so away from where they were originally growing. While it was a nice plant, don’t get me wrong, but I had other plans for where it was growing.

Tetrapanax papyrifer (Rice paper Plant) on 9-3-09, #31-44.

Although the Tetrapanax papyrifer prefers rich, consistently moist soil, they are also very heat and drought-tolerant. I never watered these plants and they never hesitated one bit.

The backyard at the mansion after the first frost on 12-18-09, #45-3.

After our first frost, the Rice Paper Plants were no more. They were back again the next spring in full force.

Tetrapanax papyrifer (Rice paper Plant) after a frost on 12-18-09, #45-47.

The Rice Paper Plant was a late bloomer and we always had a killing frost before the seeds could mature.

While this plant may be perennial in my hardiness zone here in mid-Missouri, I doubt very seriously if I will try them here.

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2 comments on “Tetrapanax papyrifer (Rice Paper Plant)

  1. rennea burgess says:


    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Rennea! I don’t really know where to purchase the Rice Paper Plant. Just type it online, Ebay, Etsy, etc. and see what you can come up with. I saw an ad for plants on Etsy, but when I went there it was gone. You may want to try in the spring and try the common name as well as the scientific name, Tetrapanax papyrifer. GOOD LUCK and thanks for visiting!


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