Boraginaceae Family:

Flowers of the Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’ on 6-7-18

Boraginaceae Juss.

The plant family Boraginaceae was named and described by Antoine Laurent de Jussieu in Genera Plantarum in 1789.

As of 12-5-23 when this page was last updated, Plants of the World Online lists 158 genera in the plant family Boraginaceae.

I have tried a few members of this family and have the wildflower Hackelia virginiana (Beggar’s Lice) growing on the farm. You can click on their names below to go to their own page.

For more information about this family of plants, please click on the links below. The links take you directly to the information about the family.


Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’ in the shade bed 6-9-18, #456-2.

I tried this Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’ in 2018. It looked great when I brought it home, but the heat and dry weather eventually got to it. It was the first Brunnera I tried after moving back to the family farm in west-central Missouri.


Brunnera macrophylla ‘King’s Ransom’ on 4-18-12, #87-4.

I bought this Brunnera macrophylla ‘King’s Ransom’ from the discount rack at Lowe’s in 2012 in Greenville, Mississippi when I was living in Leland. It was on its way out when I brought it home and didn’t last to long…


Echium amoenum (Red Feathers) on 7-3-13, #160-11.

I bought this Echium amoenum (Red Feathers) from an Ebay seller in 2013. It did great over the summer but didn’t return in 2014.


Hackelia virginiana (Beggar’s Lice, Stickseed, ETC) on 7-19-21, #815-2.

There are several Hackelia virginiana (Beggar’s Lice, Stickseed, ETC.) growing on the farm along the edge of the south hayfield and a wooded area on the north side of the farm.


Heliotropium arborescens ‘Marine’ on 10-3-18, #514-4.

Heliotropium arborescens ‘Marine’ (Heliotrope) is one of my favorite plants to have in the flower bed. I always bring at one home when I find them locally. I need a whole bed of them…


Pulmonaria x ’Spot On’ on 5-10-23. #938-20.

I brought this Pulmonaria x ‘Spot On’ home from Muddy Creek Greenhouse in 2023. It was a great plant until late in the summer when the heat got to it. These plants like plenty of water, but it looked GREAT! I don’t have a page for it yet…

That’s it for my experience with the plant family Boraginaceae for now…

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