Purple Martin Scout Arrives In A Stunned Country

Hello everyone! I hope this post finds you well. This afternoon I thought I heard a Martin and within a few minutes, he landed on the wire above the Martin house. I wonder if he is curious why there is not much activity among humans…

Spring is definitely here and the early spring wildflowers are now blooming (Henbit, Deadnettle, and Speedwell).

I apologize for my absence of late but I have been busy working on wildflower pages. I had hoped to get them finished before spring but that didn’t happen. GEEZ! I am alive and well.

I suppose the past few weeks have left many of us stunned because of COVID-19. Being in a small rural community in Missouri, the impact hasn’t sunk in for many residents. So many people think it is a joke or maybe it will fizzle out before it gets to us. Henry County had one girl test positive, I think she was the third one in Missouri at the time. Apparently, she hasn’t recovered because Missouri still hasn’t listed anyone who has recovered. Now, Missouri has 670 cases and 9 deaths (as of March 27 at 10:28 PM). The U.S. is now #1 on the list.

I check the COVID-19 update several times a day on worldmeter.info. It changes often and you can check by country and state. It gives links to the sources for their information.

So, while most of us here are doing our best to follow the rules, others are taking it very lightly. Mostly, those people aren’t paying attention to what is happening in the larger cities. For someone who usually doesn’t read newspapers or the news online, I am paying attention to what is happening with the virus.

Most churches are not having services and all other activities and meetings have basically been put on hold. Schools are not having classes and many businesses have reduced their hours of operation. Most fast-food restaurants have closed their doors and are now just serving at the drive-up window. Even funerals have changed and we are just having small grave-side services.

Of course, there are those with their conspiracy theories which I completely ignore.

Trying to get motivated this spring after a lazy winter has been difficult. The up and down temps, the rain and snow… Now a lot of mud to deal with. I have been doing a friend’s chores after he had neck surgery and there is just a lot of mud… More rain is on the way. I think about writing posts, and have taken photos, but the words just won’t come… Writer’s block? I don’t know but that seems impossible for me. I think my brain is in shock.

I am not complaining in the least and I have a lot to be thankful for.

But, this past week, there was also a tragedy. One of the greenhouses I have mentioned numerous times, Wagler’s, had a family crisis. They are Amish if you remember. Anyway, one of Ruth Wagler’s sons and three of his children were involved in an accident on the highway not far from their home. A truck came over the hill driven by a 17-year-old driving to fast. The pickup struck the buggy seriously injuring Jay and his three children that were with him. The father was taken to the Regional Medical Center in Kansas City. The 8-year-old was flown to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas Cty by Air Evac. The 9 and 13-year-old were flown to the same hospital by Lifelight Eagle. From talking to several of the Amish I learned the father had previous issues of his legs and the other was broken in the accdent. I think there are blood clots he was dealing with. The nine-year-old is a boy and one report says both his legs were broken and a broken pelvis. The youngest I think is a girl and I am not sure what her injuroes are. The oldest I think has some spine issues and needs surgery but hasn’t regained consciousness. This afternoon, I was told the two youngest kids may be discharged on Saturday.

Read More: Truck Strikes Horse-drawn Buggy in Henry County | https://ksisradio.com/truck-strikes-horse-drawn-buggy-in-henry-county/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral.

I am thinking about going to Wagler’s Greenhouse and get an update.

You just never know what can happen. All we can do is hang in there and do the best we can. It’s like everything seems fine then something weird comes up leaving you wondering what will happen next.

COVID-19 is something that will affect everyone in one way or another and its effects will be long-lasting. Even if the virus magically disappears…

So, just hang in there. Stay positive and think of all we do have to be thankful for. What are you doing now and how are you doing? Are you OK?

13 comments on “Purple Martin Scout Arrives In A Stunned Country

  1. katechiconi says:

    Poor Waglers. Not only do they have the pain and distress of their injuries, they also have the stress of being hauled out of their quiet, peaceful existence and into the high tech hospital environment. Plus the risk of exposure to the virus… Reading between the lines, I get the impression the young man was driving too fast. I hope he receives his just deserts.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Kate! Yes, the young man driving was driving to fast. There was no evidence he even had time to attempt to stop or slow down before he hit the buggy. The highway the accident happened on has several hills and curves and several Amish families live on that highway. There is quite a stretch where you have to be very cautious. I have been to this family’s home when picking up tomatoes and watermelons and visties with the children who were injured. They are very sweet kids and I am really stunned this happened. Thanks for the comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. It is good to hear you are doing alright. I agree the up and down temperatures are not conducive to getting inspired to work outside. We have had rain enough for 2 months this month. So I can’t do much out side.
    We have Amish fairly close to where I live. They have had similar tragedies in their community. Sad.
    Do take care. Get your papers finished.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Lisa! The cool-season grass has really taken off in the back yard so it is time to start mowing already. I picked up some brush and burned a brush pile so I can add more to it. Most of the Canna bed has been cleaned up. So, its time to get in gear for sure. We haven’t had any accidents with the Amish for several years. We all have to be careful and keep a watchful eye out for them. I hope you are well. Thanks for the comment!


  3. Jim R says:

    That is a sad and tragic story about the Amish family. I see them around here in their buggies and hope for their safety.

    Stay busy at home and healthy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Jim! For the most part, we all watch out for each other on the highways. One day last week I was behind a line of cars following three buggies. There were several hills and curves and no one could pass. You just have to be patient sometimes. I am “trying” to stay home more and eat a healthy diet. I hope you, Melanie, and the rest of your family are well. Thanks for the comment!


    • Hello Jim! For the most part, we all watch out for each other on the highways. One day last week I was behind a line of cars following three buggies. There were several hills and curves and no one could pass. You just have to be patient sometimes. I am “trying” to stay home more and eat a healthy diet. I hope you, Melanie, and the rest of your family are well. Thanks for the comment!


  4. Littlesundog says:

    Forrest work group is on quarantine another week yet, as an employee came down with COVID-19 after dealing with general allergies or a cold for the last month. It was quite unexpected. So, Forrest works from home and I go about my usual outdoor work. Spring has sprung here and I find myself very busy. We are having trouble finding plants as the nurseries have not had staff nor have been able to truck plants to stores and farm centers. Luckily, I am always prepared with seeds that I order in December and January. Shipments are running behind, but better late than not at all I say!

    Since we get 28 to 40 eggs a day, and the shelves have been empty at the stores, I’ve arranged with several of the neighbors (a few with children or grandchildren living with them) to pick up the eggs they need at our gate. I’m trying to be mindful of the policies our government and local officials have put into place.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Laura! Living in a rural area has its benefits in many ways with neighbors not so close by. We still have to get out and feed the cows and chickens and take care of our property. I am concerned about the four local greenhouses that depend on so much trade from people coming down from the city. I am sure it will greatly affect their businesses. Good to hear your neighbors and you have an arrangement with the eggs. Our local stores have been doing a good job keeping items stocked (except toilet paper, paper towels, and face tissue). Businesses has really suffered, though, and they seem to have trouble moving meat. Most of us seem to be “trying” to practice social distancing. The Chinese restaurant has closed until further notice… Stay well and we’ll get through this. Thanks for the comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. debbie lansdown says:

    Hi Rooster very glad to hear from you and know you are ok. Very sad about the Waglers- it feels so wrong that people who leave such a light footprint should be the victims of such aggressive carelessness.
    The weather here has been amazing for nearly a week now – since the lockdown began. We can only go out for food, work if we can’t do it from home, 1 spell of solitary exercise. My mum is locked in her nursing home & my partner is locked in with his son in jersey.
    Anyway I’m Getting loads done in the garden but it’s hard to reconcile the amazing beauty of spring which appears to be in such sharp focus vs. the sadness unfolding around us.
    Perhaps this is how nature will knock the human population back to save the planet from our negligence
    anyway I have also been working on my seeds- doing ok with abt 6/8 trays. I tried a couple of eco egg-crate type trays that didn’t work and just became smelly & squidgy. I have osteospermum, cosmos (White & pink) & tomato’s x2 ready to pot on. Sweet Peas, Nicotiana & verbascum germinated but no true leaves yet. I will re sow the Lunaria, & Lychnis coronaria If I can.
    Also planning veg& fruit – blackberries, strawberries & blueberries, carrots, beets rocket & potato’s.
    So much to do to in the main garden ad well – finish mulching, pruning & weeding, and don’t start me on the lawn! I I really love the worldometer – so addictive- Thankyou for introducing me to it. hope your words soon come back – waiting to hear what is happening in your ’yard’ – we need your updates more than ever
    Be safe

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Debbie! Glad to hear from you, too. The Wagler’s are progressing and I will write a new post. I went to visit Ruth at the greenhouse to get an update. Of course, I brought home a coupleof plants. 🙂

      I am glad to hear you are getting a lot done in your garden and working on your seeds. This spring seems to have arrived despite everything else that is going on.

      The nursing home here is locked down and only essential people are allowed in. So, you can’t go visit your mother there? Dealing with COVID-19 has been very difficult for many people around the world but we need to follow the guidelines for everyone to stay safe.

      Besides Tuesday rain isn’t in the forecast for this next week. Hopefully, I can get motivated and get a lot done. Maybe even write a post or two along with working on the wildflower pages. GEEZ!

      You be safe as well and thanks for the comment!


  6. Sorry to hear about the Waglers. Thanks for your calm and sensible post.

    Liked by 1 person

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