10 comments on “Silent Sunday. Mother Raccoon & Kids…

  1. pixydeb says:

    Sensational picture! They are beautiful 🙂

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  2. shoreacres says:

    I know, I know. They can be troublesome. But they’re cute as the dickens, and way too smart for me. This is a little long, but I’ll tell you my best raccoon story ever.

    On Matagorda Island, off Port O’Connor, Texas, the only way over to the old lighthouse is by boat. There used to be (and may still be) a place where game wardens and such would camp out from time to time.One day, the guys came back to the cabin and discovered the screen had been taken off the kitchen window. They were certain they had been robbed, but the robbery still was in progress.

    When they went in, a big, fat raccoon was sitting in the middle of the kitchen table. It had found the peanut butter jar, removed the lid, and was happily scooping out peanut butter and eating it. From what I’ve been told, nothing happened to the raccoon until the guys stopped laughing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Linda! That is a great story! I like the part where you said nothing happened until the guys stopped laughing. 🙂 Luckily, none of them here have made it past the catfood sack that “used to be” just inside the sliding door. I had to move it because one made the hole in the screen bigger and came in the house. GEEZ!!! Don’t nned coons in the house. 🙂 Take care and thanks for the comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Dayphoto says:

    I will bet they LOVE living at your house!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Linda! Oh, they used to be MUCH worse. Mom used to keep catfood in the pans all the time and dad would chase the raccons off. Dad used to also catch them in live traps and haul them off a few miled down the road. He realized they were comng back because one of the bigger ones had a crooked tail. After mom died, dad stopped chasing them off and started feeding them. LOL! I am not sure how many would come every night, but more than one at a time was WAY to many. They can realy make a lot of racket and the babies get into everything. I think most of the older racoons and opossoms died last year, because there was a peiod of time where I saw none. Now, only smaller ones are comming. I usually only keep enough food in the pans for the cats, but they always leave a little. Take care and thanks for the comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Jim R says:

    One of the most interesting pets we had was a young raccoon. The cats and dog hated it. When it started ripping shingles from a building looking for shelter in the fall, dad said it had to be moved far away.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Jim! I agree with your dad. They can do some damage to get what they want. The cats definitely don’t like them and stand their ground with the smaller raccoons. The bigger ones are more intimidating, especially when there is more than one. Take care and thanks for the comment!


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